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Phuwin Tangsakyuen tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Phuwin Tangsakyuen? Phuwin Tangsakyuen adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 7w6 - so/sp - 127 di enneagram, SCUAI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


Phuwin Tangsakyuen is a Thai actor under GMMTV. He got a GED diploma when he was in Grade 11 and enrolled at Chulalongkorn University. He is currently studying Engineering in an International Program. Apart from his mother language, he can speak English and at a beginner level, Chinese. Besides starting acting in TV series at a young age, Phuwin also performed in "The Sound of Music" at Muangthai Rachadalai Theatre. In the music, he has been involved in the soundtrack theme "Soo Sah" (Fighting!) by Sing Harit, Fiat Pattadon, and Phuwin Tangsakyuen for "My Tee" (2018)
