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  3. If We Were Villains

Colin Hyland tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Colin Hyland? Colin Hyland adalah tipe kepribadian ENFJ di mbti, 2w3 - sx/so - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

There’s a quote about him that I can’t be bothered scouring the book to find, it goes something like, “we [fourth year dellecher students] had equated his checker to Richard’s, but the comparison didn’t stick, as his cockiness was more endearing than arrogant”. Pretty ENFJ if you ask me. Other reasons he is ENFJ: -“The only person who thinks it [the relationship between Colin and Alexander]’s a secret is Colin”. There are other scenes where Colin is embarrassed to mention Colin etc. He was hiding his feelings for fear of being judged, Indicating Fe -has great social skills; is “in” with the fourth years. Colin is the third year closet o the fourth year due to his ability to network. Fe -from what we see of Colin’s character, he is very socially smooth and seems to keep track of people and events. Very charismatic, as we can also see from the roles he is assigned. Fe -he always wants to be there and be a helper—refereeing at Halloween party, then warning the others and helping to break up the fight; initiated worry about where Alexander was and helped him until an Ambulance arrived, etc Fe -I feel like I didn’t explain this super well but overall after reading the book through it’s clear that he is an ENFJ imo


literatur karakter yang mirip dengan Colin Hyland
