Huck tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Huck? Huck adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 4w3 - so/sx - 479 di enneagram, SCUEN dalam Big 5, IEE dalam socionics."

ESTP, clearly, I don't know why ENFP is here. Ti-Fe is rlly there. If you guys think like.., "She betrayed her squad, she stuck a lot in her own morals". Pals, she has NO morals, literally all she think is like "the greater good" and protect the humanity's future, even she was determined to kill his friend (Felix) only to accomplish her mission (this after literally left him one legged), she didn't even care to kill two guys (Percy and his uncle) or blaming a kid (Silas) of kill em, I mean where is Fi, I mean, Fi users doesn't have necessary morals, but is clear that she feels no personal conection with her mission, literally she is only doing it for the greater good. Again with the Squad scene, she just didn't find logical to kill innocent people and was against any social concept of good. Also, she has a good Ni, but it's clearly inferior, all the Silas' plan was very TiFeNi, but thinking that Iris or Felix would never check the medicine room in that house, that was very inf Ni. Also she is always assuming how things are gonna be. Her Se is obvious, she is super good improvising, even in the squad scene, she quickly used the environment to do her comitee. Also the way she is always being concrete, not abstract at all, she rarely seem searching for ideas or patterns, always real things. Also, any advice she gave to Hope was about thinking in the now and in the future. Also as a Fi dom, everytime she was with her "greater good" sh-t I was like "S T F U, YOU LITERALLY BLAMED OF MURDER A FCKING TRAUMATIZED KID".


Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Huck
