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Clayton Noguchi tipe kepribadian MBTI

Clayton Noguchi tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Clayton Noguchi? Clayton Noguchi adalah tipe kepribadian ISTJ di mbti, 6w5 - - 612 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, LSI dalam socionics."

kinda surprised to see LSI vote, tbh! although Clay is most certainly an ISTJ, i don’t see ANY valuing of socio Fe in him whatsoever. he has a tendency to admonish or avoid anyone who is overtly expressive to the point of stepping on the feelings of others or being not genuine. his entire beef with Aron is because Aron is not being genuine about who he is and suddenly changing how he acts around Clay for the sake of group approval… typically, an LSI would accept or even appreciate the kind of emotional strength it requires to act out of character for group approval or the manipulation of others feelings by being dishonest/secretive. instead Clay sees it as lying, betraying, and being a bad person. he’s got no time for anyone who isn’t being fully themself around him. at the moment i’m on the fence between ESI and SLI for Clay, because he clearly values socio Fi and Te but it’s harder to say whether he values socio Si/Ne or Se/Ni. i’d honestly appreciate some input! but for the moment i’m settling on ISTJ ESI due to how much he judges and admonishes others lack of socio Fi

