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Avatar Yangchen tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Avatar Yangchen? Avatar Yangchen adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Update: I got the novel. Revoking my temporary INFJ vote. She is an ENTJ: - She quickly fired a guard who disobeyed her. She didn't do it emotionally, but simply based on the fact he didn't obey her direction. - "You're alone ... I'm sorry. I've never been alone, not ever. I can't imagine what it's been like for you." Fi >>> Fe. - "But to best serve people, I need to talk to them directly, learn about their lives firsthand." Her Se doesn't seem to be the inferior function. - "I'm the nobler cause." There is no Fe diplomacy there. - "While in the open, I adhere to tradition ... But when I need to gather information or act in secret, without the trappings of the office weighing me down, I do it out of sight..." Good amount of realism, but distrust toward a set system. Ni >>> Si. - "You're too low-level to be worth anyone's attention, but just skilled enough to be useful." That's it. Voting ENTJ. --- I'm currently reporting this page to be merged with the "Kyoshi" one. So far, Yangchen shows tendency to be INFJ, but her 9w1 seems highly debatable. "I have felt the shame of Avatars gone by," she said. "Lived through failures not recorded in history. And I can tell you with absolute certainty—not a single one of my past selves that I've connected with wishes they waited longer to solve a problem."


Avatar Yangchen (also known as the Great Yangchen) is an air nomad avatar from the Western Air Temple. She is the successor of Avatar Szeto of Fire Nation and predecessor Avatar Kuruk of the Northern Water Tribe. Yangchen is one of the most accomplished Avatars and the people of Earth Kingdom prays to her for protection. Her spiritual power is notably strong that she could hear the regrets of all the past Avatars. Yangchen is also a pragmatic person, prioritizing her duty as the Avatar before her own identity as a nun.

literatur karakter yang mirip dengan Avatar Yangchen

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