Kpopalypse tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Kpopalypse? Kpopalypse adalah tipe kepribadian ISTJ di mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

What do we know about Kpopalypse? He has extremely in-depth knowledge of music, the music industry, and enjoys drawing on these experiences to explain the world (Si). He generally doesn’t concede and cares much more about the quality of his writing than how much fans enjoy it (Te/Fi). He has a strong creative streak (Ne) but tends to still base most of his content off of what he’s learned and personal experiences (Si). He’s highly consistent, releasing writing regularly in similar categories (roundup, qrimole, nugu alert, his podcast) without too much change for around a decade now (Si again). I’m not entirely ruled out on INTP, but his explanation of ruling out organized religion as a child strikes me as just “thinky,” not necessarily as Ti. What strikes me as Te/Fi over Ti/Fe is that Kpopalypse doesn’t actually take enjoyment in explaining his reasoning repeatedly. For example, he only hashed out IU’s “23” so many times because despite his previous explanations, people still weren’t getting it. He even made a meme at the end of an article that said “wow, Kpopalypse boringly explained 23 for like the 5th time now, what is his problem.” In his QRIMOLES, he’ll frequently just link to previous explanations he’s given of something. Most IXTPs I’ve met will patiently explain something the exact same way to different people because that is how they view the world and learn—via the step-by-step logical process from start to finish. They don’t lose anything by going over their thinking again. Kpopalypse is more likely to hear about something (the latest scandal, a song), make his quick decision, make a single comment about it, then let it go. He values productivity much more than being extremely thorough and step-by-step with the logical process (which is not to say he doesn’t fact-check.) Similarly, most Ti/Fe users I’ve known go through a “character arc” where as children, they speak their mind most of the time without really being concerned for how it will affect the feelings of others. As they grow older, they learn to value the feelings of others more and when to prioritize their personal truths vs. those feelings. Most Te/Fi users I’ve known don’t go through that same arc—they don’t specifically say provocative things to get reactions out of people. They just say what they think is true, and if others have a problem with it, that’s their prerogative. Kpopalypse has described himself as “controversial for people who don’t know what controversial is.” He isn’t aiming to cause a stir or submit hot logical takes; he’s just looking to express his unique perspective on the world and let the chips fall where they may. I used to think he was an ESTJ just because of how little he seemed to worry about Fi, but in his podcasts, he comes across as more introverted. He also describes himself as extremely withdrawn in real life, very rarely interacting with people other than his girlfriend and being unusually asocial when on the road as a working musician. I know that E/I doesn’t just describe social introversion, so I thought maybe his consistent writing output was enough to count as “frequent engagement with the world” and made him extroverted. However, in talking with Australiansana (who I’m pretty sure has auxiliary Fi-she can’t stop caring about immorality in kpop and the world even when it bothers her)—she’ll express something about the world that sucks (like Saudi Arabia being elected to the UN council of women’s rights.) Kpopalypse said that it could be a smart decision, potentially that bringing people you disagree with to the table could be a good way to get them on your side (but he also said he isn’t sure, since he doesn’t know much about those issues. Pretty Te/Fi to value the "facts/reality of a situation" over your personal logic making sense.) He has a sort of hidden “calm wiseness” where he doesn’t like to shout people down just because he disagrees with them (unless they’re internet strangers); he doesn’t view it as a productive way of trying to change their minds (like with Nayeon’s stalker.) As for Enneagram, I'm not exactly sure, but he doesn't idolize his own differentness enough to be a 4 for me. Hesitant 9 core, because he tends to consult with others about whether he should make certain decisions (like deciding on what guitar to buy) and seems to prioritize "peace" in his own life.


Controversial Australian K-pop blogger and internet personality.

Internet selebriti mirip dengan Kpopalypse
