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  3. There's Love Hidden in Lies

Chikage Takatsuki tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Chikage Takatsuki? Chikage Takatsuki adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 9w8 - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

ISTP??? Are y'all kidding me??? This boy has zero Ti-Fe whatsoever... he's so Te-Fi it hurts. Plus, it's obvious how he uses his Ni to craft this whole elaborate scheme on how to make his ex-girlfriend jealous and win her back. Chikage is clever, analytical, and efficient; he clearly wears different masks in different situations, but his real self is extremely cold and blunt in the most Te-dom way. I honestly don't think an ISTP would be so calculating and manipulative lol, their Ti-Se usually makes them very honest and straightforward people. (Not too sure about his enneagram yet but for now, he seems like an 8w9.)


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