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  2. Televisi
  3. Foundation (2021)

Brother Dusk tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Brother Dusk? Brother Dusk adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Cleon The XI: XSTJ, I don't really know much of him since he only appear little in the show but i think latter in his age he show so much Fi indicating it could be in a low position stack (Tert Fi, or even Inf). Overall he's structured by the system which the Emperor has done for the 400 years and never do anything significant especially against the rules, so i guess Si user also fits him well.


Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Brother Dusk

    Karakteristik dan sifat umum
