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  3. 1980's Songs

Jun Togawa - Suki Suki Daisuki tipe kepribadian MBTI

Jun Togawa - Suki Suki Daisuki tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Jun Togawa - Suki Suki Daisuki? Jun Togawa - Suki Suki Daisuki adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 2w3 - sx/sp - 286 di enneagram, RLOEI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

all yandere-ish stalker songs get INFJ 2w3 it's funny at this point and I can relate since I do get a bit obsessive with my crushes and relationships in general, INFJs have a tendency to romanticize and idealize certain things in their lives (especially abstract) and dissociate it from reality to uphold to perfection. that's why developing Se is necessary.


Song, Nov 25, 1985 / on Album, Suki Suki Daisuki. ~Genres RYM: New Wave (Rock), Techno kayō (Synthpop, Kayōkyoku), Art Pop, Dance-Punk, EBM (EDM, Post-Industrial), Denpa (Pop; Underground JP Pop)*, Art Punk* Descriptors RYM Album: Female Vocals Mood: Passionate, Manic, Energetic, Quirky, Anxious, Bittersweet, Playful, Disturbing Theme: Love Style: Eclectic, Melodic, Rhythmic Atmosphere: Ominous (Dark) Tone: Rebellious Eng Translated Lyrics My love is increasing & transcends the common sense The love in rose broke out like a mutation Pure as to be able to call it violence ‘Je t’aime’ w/ great force that carved into *Showa history Chorus: Kiss me like thumping, as blood clots on my lips Hold me, as my ribs breaking I love you so much x3 Say you love me or I’ll kill you! ‘Eros’ breaks daily life & be crystallizing Repeating the affairs instinctively in the Avici hell The intuitive cognition with anti-nihilism is a trigger for latent infant violence (Chorus repeat; character limit)
