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  3. Spidey And His Amazing Friends

Peter Parker "Spidey" tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Peter Parker "Spidey"? Peter Parker "Spidey" adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 6w7 - - 692 di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

I don't know where ENFP came from.. The episode where they decide the names of heroes in their base, and there it is visible that he is the most theoretical and scientific of all there, Which doesn't prove he's INTP, but when they reach an impasse over the name he takes the form of resolving it, He seems to appreciate good analysis and creative deciphering (Ti-Ne), the episode of I knew he wasn't ENFP in the episode of black panther in the park, When he tells Black Panther in order everything he always does when he goes to the park I clearly saw Si, So I deduced that it was probably not ENxP which in turn are types with low Si, While in the entire series it is possible to see much more Fe than Fi, Speaking of general peace and valuing the things that people see as good, Always complaining or scolding those who do not follow or infringe on social manners, Therefore INTP is the most assertive option, but I don't see him as ENFP, if he were Ne dom he would probably be ENTP, As for the enneagram, it's hard to say, probably because of his social appreciation and desire to keep people's social stability safe, I believe 6w7 is really his type


Pahlawan super karakter yang mirip dengan Peter Parker "Spidey"
