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  3. Dog Man (Franchise)

Li'l Petey tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Li'l Petey? Li'l Petey adalah tipe kepribadian ENFP di mbti, 7w6 - so/sp - 729 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, IEE dalam socionics."

I think people called Lil Petey ENFJ too quickly, sure some of the ENFP argument could just be his young age but it makes more sence. The Ne dominant is prevelant by his constant questioning 'why?' trying to understand things. The curiosity of trying to investigate the world is using Ne, which is his whole character. Sometimes this could look like Se, but I don't think he has that function as he isn't very physically aware. An example is when he is telling Petey a knock knock joke during being attacked. I also think Ne is followed up by strong Fi as he represents the innocense before society's impact. You could interprate Petey and Lil Petey as Ti vs Fe but I think it's actually Ti vs Fi. Petey is overly cyncal in contrast and that is shown in the ending conversation of Lord of the Fleas. He responds to Petey's speech about the world being rotten by saying 'that's why we need to be good'. Just because he gives wisdom doesn't mean he is NFJ. His morality is strong Fi like how he sees his grandfather as possibly becoming good. Lil Petey also has Te organisation like how he set instructions to Dog Man and 80 HD being the only speaker out of them. Si inferior too with how he doesn't care about the past and pushes change to villains, which contasts Petey's tertiary Si telling him he will always be bad. Too many characters are labelled Fe for being nice when there is more to it, like with Lil Petey.

