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  3. Gossip Girl (2021)

Otto "Obie" Bergmann tipe kepribadian MBTI

Otto "Obie" Bergmann tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Otto "Obie" Bergmann? Otto "Obie" Bergmann adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 9w1 - - di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, ESI dalam socionics."

ISFJ??? Where is his dom Si? Is it only because he mentioned how him and Julien used to be like? He was the only person adaptive to change when Zoya first (almost) joined the group. It already seems like from the first episode that he has a vision in life, to do good with the money he has, and his vision is directly connected to giving back to people. Feels like Ni-Fe to me. His inf Se was evident too, it seemed like he didn't really pay attention to what was going on around him, was unaware of the group dynamics etc. Right now he looks like a more likeable, less arrogant, and well, rich version of Dan. Hopefully we’ll see a healthy male INFJ on recent tv for once. Edit: We didn’t see a healthy male INFJ. He’s very unhealthy. Yikes.


Otto "Obie" Bergmann IV (May 10th, 2005) is a main character in the Gossip Girl revival. He is portrayed by #EliBrown. He is a political and sociopolitical activist who feels a strong sense of guilt over his immense wealth. He prefers to better New York through his volunteer work than hitting the party scene with his savvier friends.

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