Rashta tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Rashta? Rashta adalah tipe kepribadian ESFJ di mbti, 2w3 - sp/sx - 269 di enneagram, SLUAN dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

I feel so bad for her + can't bring myself to ACTUALLY hate her, people jump to hating her simply because she is an antagonistic character. People often forget that she has been through so many hardships; She is being used by the emperor and she can't see it because she wants the same privileges as the empress. I know that makes her "manipulative" and "greedy", but imagine how you'd feel when you were in the situation.. The powerful emperor of a kingdom just asked you to be his lover? The power dynamic is so twisted, at least I'd be scared to say no. And when I say yes, wouldn't I want some good to come off that? I'm not defending her actions against Navier.. Those were simply wrong, but Navier was born and grew up in privilege - She never had to be desperate in the same ways as Rashta. Anyway she is an ESFJ... I'm sure there's already some good arguments in the comments so I won't bother elaborate for now; Although I'll say her Fe is really unhealthy.


Empress Rashta was a former slave and mistress of Emperor Sovieshu. Following Sovieshu and Navier's divorce, Rashta became the new Empress of the Eastern Empire.

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