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  3. RWBY (2012)

Lil’ Miss Malachite tipe kepribadian MBTI

Lil’ Miss Malachite tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Lil’ Miss Malachite? Lil’ Miss Malachite adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, 2w1 - sp/so - 217 di enneagram, RCOEN dalam Big 5, LSE dalam socionics."


The leader of the Spiders, the most powerful criminal organisation in the city of Mistral. Lil' Miss Malachite overthrew the previous boss and is now considered as powerful a leader of the city as the Headmaster of Haven Academy. All members of her organisation can be identified from the tattoos they wear of spiders sitting on a web. Lil Miss Malachite is the mother of Melanie and Miltia Malachite.

Kartun karakter yang mirip dengan Lil’ Miss Malachite

Karakteristik dan sifat umum
