1. Orang & karakter
  2. Kartun
  3. Martin Mystery

Marvin tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Marvin? Marvin adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, - sp/so - 721 di enneagram, SCOEI dalam Big 5, SEE dalam socionics."


Marvin is a supporting character from the Martin Mystère television series. He was a high school student from Torrington, before becoming an agent of the Center through MOM. He is the alter-ego of Martin Mystère, he has become his friend. He appears in the episodes: The fog of dread, The threat of the mad seer, The fury of the leprechaun, The curse of the mutant spirit.

Kartun karakter yang mirip dengan Marvin

    Karakteristik dan sifat umum
