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  3. 1960's Songs

Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World tipe kepribadian MBTI

Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World? Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 9w1 - so/sx - 927 di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, EII dalam socionics."

The good ending for an INFP


“What a Wonderful World” is a song written by Bob Thiele (as “George Douglas”) and George David Weiss. It was first recorded by Louis Armstrong and released in 1967 as a single, which topped the pop charts in the United Kingdom, though it performed poorly in the United States because Larry Newton, the president of ABC Records, disliked the song and refused to promote it. The song gradually became something of a standard and reached a new level of popularity. An episode of The Muppet Show produced in 1977 and broadcast early in 1978 featured Rowlf the Dog singing the song to a puppy. In 1978, it was featured in the closing scenes of BBC radio's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and was repeated for BBC's 1981 TV adaptation of the series. In 1988, Armstrong's recording appeared in the film Good Morning, Vietnam (despite the film being set in 1965 – two years before it was recorded) and was rereleased as a single, hitting No. 32 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in February 1988.
