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Crown Princess Scandal tipe kepribadian MBTI

Apa tipe kepribadian karakter favorit Anda dari Crown Princess Scandal?

Crown Princess Scandal

Crown Princess Scandal

Victimized by her little sister's trick, Hwa-yeong heads to the imperial palace to participate in the crown princess selection process. Now she'll have to put up with… six months of palace stay?! No way! As a last resort, Hwa-yeong tries to do everything wrong to get disqualified and sent home early but instead finds herself in the royals' favor. What's worse, coincidence keeps bringing Shin-yeong, the Crown Prince, in her way, and now things are becoming more intense and personal for both of them. "You wish to get kicked out now? I'll do everything in my power to see the opposite happen!" Will Hwa-yeong see her way through these obstacles and return home before six months? ( Webtoon) https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/the-crown-princess-scandal/list?title_no=5478

Tipe kepribadian Crown Princess Scandal karakter

Karakter Crown Princess Scandal mana yang Anda dan karakter mana yang paling cocok untuk Anda berdasarkan tipe kepribadian MBTI?

Jenis kepribadian Crown Princess Scandal aktor

Apa tipe kepribadian Crown Princess Scandal aktor? Lakukan Crown Princess Scandal aktor memiliki tipe kepribadian yang sama dengan karakter mereka.

Jenis Kepribadian Crown Princess Scandal pencipta

Kepribadian mana yang dibuat Crown Princess Scandal?
