Lucky In Love tipe kepribadian MBTI

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Lucky In Love

Lucky In Love

Stepping in a puddle, slipping and falling, getting pooped on by a bird– Hwibum seems to attract misfortune like a magnet. Universally acknowledged as the unluckiest guy on Earth, he finds himself partnered with Yeonwoo, a student with the gloomiest aura he’s ever seen, for a group project. Initially attributing it to his typical luck, Hwibum is surprised when Yeonwoo not only takes on the project single-handedly but also brings an unexpected twist to Hwibum's fortune. As Hwibum starts to revel in his newfound luck, he dismisses the subtle signs of Yeonwoo's seemingly growing obsession. Is Hwibum truly starting to turn his luck around with this relationship, or is there more to Yeonwoo's fixation than meets the eye?

Tipe kepribadian Lucky In Love karakter

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Jenis kepribadian Lucky In Love aktor

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Jenis Kepribadian Lucky In Love pencipta

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