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King The Land (2023) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Apa tipe kepribadian karakter favorit Anda dari King The Land (2023)?

King The Land (2023)

King The Land (2023)

It is about a chaebol heir named Goo Won who cannot stand fake smiles. He meets Cheon Sa Rang who is always equipped with a bright smile even when she does not want to due to the nature of her profession, and together, the two set out to find happy days in which they can sincerely smile brightly together. King the Land refers to a VVIP business lounge, which is a place of dreams for hoteliers. Goo Won who has been thrown into the a battle of inheritance for the King Group, which owns hotels, an airline, and distribution companies. With a brilliant mind, innate grace, and captivating charms, Goo Won has everything except for good sense when it comes to dating. Cheon Sa Rang who makes the world brighter with just her smile. Cheon Sa Ra lands a job at King Hotel, which gave her the happiest memories when she was young, and she matures while facing all sorts of prejudice and misunderstanding. https://asianwiki.com/King_the_Land

Tipe kepribadian King The Land (2023) karakter

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Jenis kepribadian King The Land (2023) aktor

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