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  2. Superheroes

Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Apa tipe kepribadian karakter favorit Anda dari Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)?

Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)

Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)

This animated series based on the blockbuster film of the same name follows the newly formed team that has found a strange artifact linked to the DNA of Peter Quill. When he opens it, Quill unleashes a map that leads to the location of the Cosmic Seed, a powerful weapon that has the ability to give birth to the next universe. The Guardians must locate and protect the Cosmic Seed and keep it out of the hands of evildoers who would abuse its powers, including trickster Loki, the conniving brothers the Collector and the Grandmaster, and galactic big boss Thanos.

Tipe kepribadian Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) karakter

Karakter Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) mana yang Anda dan karakter mana yang paling cocok untuk Anda berdasarkan tipe kepribadian MBTI?

Jenis kepribadian Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) aktor

Apa tipe kepribadian Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) aktor? Lakukan Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) aktor memiliki tipe kepribadian yang sama dengan karakter mereka.

Jenis Kepribadian Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) pencipta

Kepribadian mana yang dibuat Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)?
