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Captain Underpants (Series) tipe kepribadian MBTI

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Captain Underpants (Series)

Captain Underpants (Series)

Captain Underpants is an illustrated children's novel series by American author and illustrator Dav Pilkey. The series revolves around two fourth-graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, living in Piqua, Ohio, and Captain Underpants, an aptly named superhero from one of the boys' homemade comic books, that accidentally becomes real when George and Harold hypnotize their ill-tempered principal, Mr. Krupp. Soon after, Mr. Krupp gains superpowers by drinking alien juices in the third book.

Tipe kepribadian Captain Underpants (Series) karakter

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Jenis kepribadian Captain Underpants (Series) aktor

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Jenis Kepribadian Captain Underpants (Series) pencipta

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