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Beyond: Two Souls tipe kepribadian MBTI

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Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls is an interactive drama action-adventure video game for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 home video game consoles, developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was released in October 2013. The game features Jodie Holmes, one of two player characters. The other is an incorporeal entity named Aiden: a separate soul linked to Jodie since birth. Jodie, who is portrayed by actor Elliot Page, possesses supernatural powers through her psychic link to Aiden, growing from adolescence to adulthood while learning to control Aiden and the powers they share.

Tipe kepribadian Beyond: Two Souls karakter

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Jenis kepribadian Beyond: Two Souls aktor

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Jenis Kepribadian Beyond: Two Souls pencipta

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