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  2. Anime e manga
  3. Maimaimaigoen

Hayate tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Hayate? Hayate è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 8w9 - sp/so - 854 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."


His MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeCazxzc844 Hayate is loner who doesn't like getting involved with the other students. He has a cool and casual demeanor which makes it difficult for others to approach him. He's good at videogames and prefers playing them on his own. He is incredibly quick-witted and wants to get everything done quickly, just like in a game. Despite his harsh attitude, he's actually very insightful and sensitive to the things going on around him and may have an underlying charisma to lead others that he's unaware of. He's shown to have a desire to be friends with the other children, but because of his past experiences, he often pushes others away as a way to keep himself and others from getting hurt. He has a strong respect for Mamoru who isn't afraid to include him in group activities and seems to envy how Shinta easily makes friends with others.

Anime e manga caratteri simili a Hayate
