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SCP Foundation tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è SCP Foundation? SCP Foundation è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 1w9 - so/sp - 152 in enneagram, RCOEI in big 5, in socionics."

Stony, conservational, and perfectionistic, the Foundation operates by efficiency (dominant Te). It’s ignorant towards morality, maintaining a clear, systematic hierarchy (Te-Fi). In contrast to ENTJ, the Foundation has its crosshairs on keeping up the status quo instead of trying to achieve something more grandiose via raising the bar (Si>Ni). The Foundation continually tests on the items. It documents both observations and other tangible intel onto experiment logs. This is done to expand understanding on said items and necessary containment procedures (tertiary Ne aiding auxiliary Si). As established prior, the Foundation will most definitely give morality the cold shoulder; Class-D treatment (or lack thereof) has made the Foundation’s Ethics Committee pretty much a joke both in-universe and -fandom (inferior Fi). This is due the Foundation not being afraid to toss Class-D personnel at an item as to contain the situation, initially treating said personnel as nothing more than lab rats (senex Se). One of the Foundation’s most exposed Achilles heels is it’s blindness to given implications of potential future threats and outcomes, only acting on problems if they are to arise (trickster Ni). The Greater Good is the most common justification for the Foundation’s behavior. In its eyes, humankind is to be protected from disturbances of peace, mass hysteria, end-of-the-World-scenarios, etc. at all costs. This is understandable, given they “fight in the dark to serve the light” (angel/daemon Fe).


The SCP Foundation is a collaborative writing wiki project that "documents" the fictional secret organization of the same name. Cases: https://www.personality-database.com/profile?pid=2&cid=12&sub_cat_id=4382
