1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Letteratura
  3. The Future Swordsman (Series)

"The Future Swordsman" Alukin Silvestri tipo di personalità MBTI

"The Future Swordsman" Alukin Silvestri tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è "The Future Swordsman" Alukin Silvestri? "The Future Swordsman" Alukin Silvestri è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."


Alukin Silvestri is the protagonist of The Future Swordsman series. Born in G3 (Orbibar System), currently resides on Earth (Solar System). He is the adopted grandson of Kire Nailuj, son of Nacxia Nailuj and older brother of Kyla Silvestri. Being a Sayrin nature liberator, he specializes as a swordsman and a hand-to-hand fighter during the series.

Letteratura caratteri simili a "The Future Swordsman" Alukin Silvestri

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