Illusion tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Illusion? Illusion è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 9w8 - so/sp - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."


Illusion is the son of Celestia and Discord. He is a very interesting character and he's kinda hard to explain. He's a wild card and has several personalities. However, he is generally cool, cunning and witty. He has a love for mischief but knows when he's going too far. He is the truest to himself when with Clarity. Fun-loving and everything mentioned before. He does, however, try to act a little more cool around her. Illusion's personality changes depending on who he is with. For example, when he is with Anthea, his kind, caring side shows through. When with Starburst he is usually more serious since when they are together, they are usually dealing with royal duties. However when they are simply hanging out, he starts to get silly and annoying just to get a reaction from her. So essentially, most of the time, he has the opposite personality of who he hangs out with at the time to level things out. (...)

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