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Super Intelligence tipo di personalità MBTI

Super Intelligence tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Super Intelligence? Super Intelligence è un tipo di personalità INTP in mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - 513 in enneagram, RCOEI in big 5, LII in socionics."

INTJ's have better ability to apply their intelligence, of which I am jealous. However, in raw brainpower and ability to do amazing things with the mind, I must (not so humbly) nominate the INTP. If there was a similar category or superpower called Super Effectiveness, I'd vote for INTJ. The "super" part implies a dramatic amount or kind of intelligence. I think more people would agree that extra high (or super) intelligence is a powerful thing that can be (and often is) utterly wasted (that's us). Unfortunately, I also don't think INTP's value what we can do as much. Maybe because it is difficult to apply our more abstract ideas. The INTP should plan for success once they've matured their ability to apply themselves.


One of the more challenging superpowers to possess and write for, Super Intelligence describes a smart guy so mentally gifted or super-powered they can complete a dozen doctorate degrees in the fifteen minutes, forty two seconds it takes them to walk across a university campus. Super Intelligence can be divided into roughly four big effects, which can be used individually or in combination: 1. Super learning and eidetic memory. 2. Advanced reasoning. 3. Exceptional Perception 4. Manipulator Extraordinaire Super Intelligence is a difficult power to possess, not only because intelligence is isolating, but because it can create a pessimistic worldview. Since most super smart characters are already elbow deep in sci fi, the transition to Mad Scientist isn't a big one. All together, the pursuit of science makes a lot of Super Intelligent characters become villains. It's no picnic for Science Heroes either, they can fall victim to the anti-intellectualism of those they want to help.
