1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. Selena: The Series (2020)

Abraham Quintanilla tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Abraham Quintanilla? Abraham Quintanilla è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 7w8 - sp/so - 783 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

INTJ??? Nooo way 😂 God you people know nothing about us. He’s likely an ExTJ. Im leaning towards ESTJ due to some scenes in the first and second episode but I need to finish the series before I give my final thoughts. Edit: Ok so I just finished the series. Wow! This guy is so much like my dad its ridiculous. He is definitely dominant Te. He has no filter and has no qualms about saying whats on his mind. So that eliminates INTJ. Si. This guy just loves routine. He’s militant in his approach and does not sway from his course. Very rarely and it takes a lot of coercion. He also is extremely guided by his past, revisiting it often with his family. He uses his experiences with Los Dinos to drive the family forward into the future and never sways in his decisions. Ever! He’s cery unforgiving as well, something A Ni could not relate to because as an xNTJ we are much more lenient and understanding. This man is far from that! Fi. He does not open up emotionally, relying on facts and data and saying things very mechanically. Very rarely does he show affection and its always with his wife or Selina who bring out his Fi with their Fe. Ne. “They may be able to find unusual or creative uses for materials that would otherwise be discarded” All I got to say about this is -the disco lights trash bin- So that leaves either ISTJ or ESTJ. Given how he seems very Te heavy and very driven Id go with TeSiNeFi So ESTJ


Televisione caratteri simili a Abraham Quintanilla
