1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Kwon Min-Woo tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Kwon Min-Woo? Kwon Min-Woo è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 368 in enneagram, SCOEN in big 5, ILI in socionics."

Unhealthy ESTJ. He discriminated against Young-Woo's skills because she had an autism spectrum. He thought he was relatively better than her and was surprised at her achievements, which pissed me off terribly every time. Additionally, it must be mentioned that his desire for success at all costs was disgusting.


Televisione caratteri simili a Kwon Min-Woo
