Tooru Kirishima tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Tooru Kirishima? Tooru Kirishima è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 872 in enneagram, SCUEN in big 5, SLE in socionics."

I lean toward EXTP more than IXFJ now. His Fe is too good to be inferior, but this is not his direct approach to life. It only appears after the day his boss ordered him to look after his daughter (Yeaka). For ENTP voters, where is his Ne? I think Ni-inf makes more sense to him. Before this series started, he was over-indulged in Se. He was completely in the moment, ignoring both past and future for sensory's sake. That's why he was called Demon of Sakuragi. His impulsive and ignorant nature enraged Kazuhiko to no end. To punish Kirishima, he forces Kirishima to take care of Yeaka in the hope to push some sense of responsibility in him. If he is a Ne-dom, he can still be that reckless. However, Ne's expansive view toward the future would keep him from going too far like now.


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