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Old mistypes tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Old mistypes? Old mistypes è un tipo di personalità ENTP in mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - 528 in enneagram, RLUEI in big 5, ILE in socionics."

okay so I see the fear of loosing control and not being able to trust and see and perceive surroundings as a blend of 5 and 8 you additionally are not a 4 for your heart fix. Could be a 2 most likely a SO 3 or SX 3 in your desire for acknowledgement But that’s a fix I think 5 works well but 8 could as well with the fear of losing control 1V yeah so SP/SX 8 but like you’re more wild and carefree Ironically despite wanting a measure of being the best and fearing overload and losing control at others, xxUxx might work better. I think 3F wouldn’t work with your recklessness like 2F or 4F no from your approach to fame I think your desire to right wrongs makes you SP/SO 8 fix 2 fix 5 dominant In the methodology SX 5 vision and powerful emotions is in your IV but idk if your SO/SX 5 or SP/SX 5 It’s not your primary desire in your search for knowledge and the architecture of a new future not 5w4 though because you actively welcome group situations Makes me think unlikely ILI or gamma Becuase you really do value the emphasis and power of group values this also makes me think that 3E might be off the table so VFEL could work... or VLEF but VFLE gives positive but not really considered 4E passionate and reckless 2F RxUEI IM UNSURE between the two Perhaps 2E could work in your group ideals so VFLE, VEFL (but 3F is eeehh), VFEL alpha Quadra egalitarianism I think LII or ILE however the directive nature of socio Ti makes me see you organizing and inspiring more too intense and invested for RCUEI actually though RLUAI might work based on your priorities of group work Ti/Fe axis i think you actually are a SO/SX 5 lkke your desire means that you could be a great mentor and you’re quite impassioned so I do think that the SX 5 is there additionally your socio Ne is pretty strong so hmmm you could be ILE but LII fits better with your social motivation and egalitarian mindset mbti Ne is high I think NE-Ti-Fe works best choleric + sanguine + melancholic yeah actually VEFL is seeming more and more like it could work VFEL but you’re 3E would be AMAZING Also yeah Sanguine-melancholic or melancholic-sanguine shows the interesting conundrum of E5 vs E2 VLEF + VEFL + VFEL... see I think you have a drive for excellence and 2E would get in the way

