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Yoon Seoyeon (tripleS) tipo di personalità MBTI

Yoon Seoyeon (tripleS) tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Yoon Seoyeon (tripleS)? Yoon Seoyeon (tripleS) è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 6w7 - sp/so - 964 in enneagram, RCOAI in big 5, SLI in socionics."

Has anyone considered ISTJ? She doesn’t strike me much as Fe-Ti user, she is probably most likely Te-Fi. I remember she mentioned her ideal type is “someone who doesn’t commit crimes” 😭 she also said “if a new member comes in but is less tidy than me.. I think I should talk about it when we get close” she doesn’t seem she considers others emotions when she makes decisions(Fe). She is dutiful person too, she would plan out her schedule and one time after being live she saw many global comments and then she was like “im gonna try studying foreign language!”. Im just gonna stick to ISTJ if there aren’t any arguments for now


Yoon Seoyeon (윤서연) is a member of the upcoming girl group tripleS.

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