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Théo Silverberg tipo di personalità MBTI

Théo Silverberg tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Théo Silverberg? Théo Silverberg è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 836 in enneagram, RLUEN in big 5, LSE in socionics."


Fred's character, an Inquisitor from the Church of Light. Coming from a long line of paladins, and heartily convinced of being a force of good. Neither his sword nor his faith have ever been broken. Lately, his grasp on the plurality of the world tightened, and along his resolve to cleanse the land of all that is evil, hopefully inspiring future generations to walk in his footsteps.

Cartoni animati caratteri simili a Théo Silverberg
