Lu Su tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Lu Su? Lu Su è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."


Advisor of Sun Quan and close friend of Zhou Yu. He first advocated the strategy of dividing china into two to Sun Quan, taking advantage of cao cao's unavailibiltiy and being occupied with northern wars to unite the southern regions and get rid of Liu biao and liu zhang. Nonetheless, when it appeared that Liu Bei became the dominant faction in Jingzhou ( an important strategic southern region), he proposed a permanent alliance with liu bei to deter Cao Cao from unifying the entire country,.While Zhou yu and Lu Meng had constantly advocated breaking up/backstabbing liu bei and seize back jingzhou, Lu Su was the chief proponent to keep Sun Liu alliance alliance alive to cheque cao wei's power from expanding to the south. Unfortunately Lu Su's diplomatic efforts and strategy fell apart after he had died, and sun quan took Lu Meng's advise to go to war with Liu Bei. Also much more competent in real history than in the novelization.
