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  3. Surviving as a maid

Ash Tokein tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Ash Tokein? Ash Tokein è un tipo di personalità ISFP in mbti, 6w5 - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

Why Ne Dom? Throughout the manhwa, Ash has only one goal on her mind: to try to survive and adapt to her new world. Unlike the Ne Dom protagonists who usually can be seen doing some sort of creative endeavors to summon opportunities for help, Ash stays in her lane the whole time and goes along to everybody's actions unless facing critical danger. Even Si Fe makes more sense than Ne. But one problem with this possibility is that it implies Ash is observant towards other people's attributes and has a structural functional usage of her past, which is strange since we saw many moments when she was outspoken about her opinions. Although her internal monologs about her not really caring for the prince could be view as unhealthy Fe, it rather shows how she struggles to identify his needs, which is contrary to Fe. Compare her to Klein or Seya, they're both very observant towards her needs or feelings and please her demands at bay. Si doesn't really makes sense with Ash, she deals with her world in a present external view rather than navigating it using her knowledge from the past. Her obedience is attributed by situation and enneagram (6w5).


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