1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Film
  3. It Ends with Us

Alyssa tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Alyssa? Alyssa è un tipo di personalità in mbti, 2w3 - - in enneagram, in big 5, ESE in socionics."

She's totally an ESFJ in the movie. The way she always values the past experiences is so higher Si. She always wants to preserve the harmony, when she introduced herself to Lily, she clarified about her expressions (very ESE too; expressive with her emotions) just to not make Lily uncomfortable. Also, when Atlas came to Lily Bloom's to see Lily, she instantly get how the environment was working. About Si; when she opened up about Emerson to Lily, we can see how much she values past experiences, before that situation she liked flowers; this means she don't like 'em anymore because of the experience flowers are associated with for her. Also (an example of how she describes things), she tend to explain it comparing them with things she knows. An example is when she was cleaning the store with Lily she told her about how it felt like. About SP2, she priorizes the relationship with herself, she doesn't do things she don't like or are uncomfortable for her. Also we can see Fe + E2 when she caught Lily with her brother after her birthday party and when they talked about what happened (Lily telling her about what her brother did).


Ryle's sister

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