Leon tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Leon? Leon è un tipo di personalità ENFJ in mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 378 in enneagram, SCUAN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

oioi why do you have to do this to me. leon can't be a Ne dom. he does not find any connections through various options, and doesn't even consider other options when some are given. schemes and thoughts connecting is not what he is good at, at all. he's missing the basics of what Ne doms are. i am an ENFP and i can't see him using Ne in a strong and healthy way. this is why i think leon is a Fe dom: he uses his Fe in a kinda unhealthy and negative way through the game, and more positively during twilight wings. as we all know, leon is obsessed with him being the unbeatable champion and never shuts up about it. in the story, when rose wanted to cancel leons battle against the player because of eternatus waking up, leon was completely against it and tried his best to stop rose's plan, even if it would've cost galar's present and future. he wanted his fans - he wanted galar - to be happy and excited for his match with the player. his empathy and genuine charisma towards his fans became very unhealthy for himself. i think this can be a good example for an unhealthy Fe user. in twilight wings, leon shows a lot of empathy towards John. he even tells him to battle against him in the future, "but he won't hold back against any opponent". and why that? because the can't take the risk to ruin his reputation and galar's joy. he wants everything to be stable and stays as it is; him being the unbeatable champion and galar cheering for him. it's both a selfish action for selfless reason and a selfless action for selfish reasons. (note: i didn't watch pokemon journeys yet. i will probably be able to type leon better after watching it.)

