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Jacob (The Boyz) tipo di personalità MBTI

Jacob (The Boyz) tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Jacob (The Boyz)? Jacob (The Boyz) è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 9w1 - sx/so - 926 in enneagram, RCOAI in big 5, IEI in socionics."

his Ni can be really seen from his lyrics and it just makes me sad because i can only relate to the sad parts of his songs and not the happy/inspired parts yet:( but i really love the emotions/realizations he can explain thru songwriting and i wanna be like him sometime in the future if i'll ever be okay:'D i mean his songs that are found on their group account on soundcloud, i'll link along w/ my inferences on how he might be INFJ or 9, not sure on 9 but INFJ,,, he's just like me fr [punches wall] [cries] (https://soundcloud.com/official_theboyz/doingnothingismyfavouritething?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) his lyrics on Comfortable screams dom Ni-inf Se bcs of knowing the negative consequences of just doing nothing but you just can't help chilling bcs it's so comforting not ever worrying abt something when you have the chance to do so (i think it can also be related to being a 9 since i saw someone suggest that he might be a 9 so idk), it's like being sick of always Ni-ing TT (https://soundcloud.com/official_theboyz/know-you-are-not-alone?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) and then there's I Belong, i think this **** just wants me to cry myself to sleep:'), some of the lyrics: seems like it's wanting to be free of aux Fe (since it's also one of the most used); shows the burden of having Ni as your dominant thought process; compares the past and present only by a generalized or an all-encompassing thought, doesn't really remember the past because of something important/useful in it (that can be used in a present situation) but only has a remembrance of it when it's to be compared with the present and how it's connected, only describes these past-present comparisons by vibe or feeling, so Ni > Si (https://soundcloud.com/official_theboyz/lets-be-happy?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Happy is like the realization of the big picture (e.g. "as I recall How the good outweighs all the bad") and an active use of Ni (i read that to use Ni actively is to actively transform your way of thinking using such realizations), and also a realization of something Se? (e.g. "It’s easy to see that I’m doing fine" (https://soundcloud.com/official_theboyz/let-me-know?in=official_theboyz/sets/1st-mixtape-kindle&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) altho the words 'reminiscing' 'recall' can be found in his songs most of the time, it's like he's always remembering the past in an Ni way instead of Si ;-; like these lines from Where Are You Now: ("I found it so strange when we talked on the phone, It seemed so different I can tell by your tone, I still don’t know why"), and idk why but this ("I need one question to be answered So I can move on") seemed like 'Ni trying to hold on to something that might be important (in the future)' to me bcs i'm like this too or is it not related to mbti at all ;-; also sorry these r just bcs i relate to some of the lyrics and i just thought that maybe it was bcs of our similar thought process but different motivations/inspirations since i couldn't relate to some songs altho i think i would relate to his lyrics if i were in the same situation, but rn i'm not so i think some of his lyrics do show his cognitive functions to some extent and not just bcs me INFJ > i relate to him > him INFJ


Bae Jacob (배제이콥) or Bae Joonyoung (배준영), better known as Jacob (제이콥) was born in Toronto, Canada on May 30, 1997. He is the lead vocalist of the 11 member boy group THE BOYZ under IST Entertainment.

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