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Lion tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Lion? Lion è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 8w9 - sx/so - 836 in enneagram, SCOEN in big 5, SLE in socionics."

Assuming that we are speaking about the Alpha lion then just as the Alpha wolf lives in a pack with a clear hierarchy so too the Alpha lion lives in a pride with a clear hierarchy and both are apex predators so they are both Te doms (unlike the tiger which is also an apex predator but prefers to remain solitary). However the difference between the lion and wolf is that Alpha wolves tend to be monogamous (preserving a single relationship) while Alpha lions are generally polygamous (possessing multiple mates). One other difference is in hunting. While lions command such dominance that a group of lioness hunts for him the Alpha wolf tends to be more of a micro-manager and leads the hunt personally. For me the wolf is an ESTJ war-general (Supervisor) while the lion is an ENTJ commander-in-chief (Field Marshal).


The "King of Beasts" as far as the Western world is concerned. Lions were once the widest ranging large mammal on Earth; you could run across one in Europe, Asia and Africa, and there's evidence there was even an American counterpart! However, they went extinct in prehistoric (Central and North Asia, most of Europe, and North America) or historic times (Southeastern Europe, the Middle East, most of South Asia, and North Africa) and now they're relegated to sub-Saharan Africa and the Gir Forest in India. Their powerful appearance is why the lion is commonly a national symbol in places very far from Africa or India, like England and Scotland (both national coats of arms feature lions), all of the Low Countries, Bulgaria, all three Scandinavian countries and Finland. Lions are the only social cat, forming prides consisting of one or two males and a number of females. (However, domesticated cats can form bonds and colonies, especially in the case of ferals; and brother cheetahs often stay together for life, so they can be considered social, too. It's still debatable though.) The main reason lions are so venerated is their image, the males are distinctive from the females with their shaggy manes and tend to be larger than said females. They live in savannas rather than jungles as was once commonly believed.
