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American Pit Bull Terrier tipo di personalità MBTI

American Pit Bull Terrier tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è American Pit Bull Terrier? American Pit Bull Terrier è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w7 - so/sx - 837 in enneagram, SLUEN in big 5, SLE in socionics."

NEWS UPDATE: Heroic Pit Bull Terrier Swims Five Miles Out to Sea to Bite a Child More news today at 7 ~ On a more serious note, I think both people who decry that “all Pit-Bulls should be put down” and those who say “it’s the owners fault” are just avoiding the nuances of the issue. How about we focus on eliminating the sources of these problems, instead of ideologically taking one stance or the other? It is pretty obvious that it’s the owners fault (not necessarily the breed) for the attacks on people. The breed, let’s just say, attracts a certain subset of people who tend to be insecure about their masculinity. I don’t think anyone disagrees with that. Therefore, I don’t think it’s fair for an entire dog breed to be eliminated from existence based on the behaviour of their owners. Dogs are still animals, and people should not own or take care of something that they cannot restrain or control. It’s the epitome of irresponsible behaviour. However, I think it simultaneously dumb to ignore the very obvious dangers that a mistrained Pit Bull (specifically) can bring. I find that people who defend pit bulls will often use a chihuahua, which has a reputation for being, well, *disagreeable” in almost every circumstance they see them. I have one issue with this conclusion, a chihuahua (despite often being the spawns of Satan) will probably not rip an eight year old in half when agitated, whereas a Pit Bull’s bite most certainly will. If a Pit Bull decides to attack, it’s likely going to be far more severe than if most other dog breeds do, even those with a similar size and stature. It might not be a popular conclusion, but it is also observable with facts and statistics. As stated above, dogs are still animals and are not 100% predictable; they can be prone to stressors that even their owner might not be aware of. Having a dog breed that inherently is more dangerous does present some risks that need to be taken into account. Any solutions? A think a happy medium would be to require a license or some type of certification to allow people to own a pit bull. Both to train owners in socializing them and to restrain them in case something goes wrong, and to protect pit bulls from being taken by people who have self-esteem issues (and subsequently being put down). There should be more severe fines for those who are unable to keep their pit-bulls under control given their inherent dangers.


The American pit bull terrier is a medium-size terrier dog breed native to the United States with a short coat, well-muscled body, and big smile. While there is inaccurate stigma against pit bull-type dogs for being aggressive, American pit bull terriers are generally loyal dogs that love people. However, they don’t always get along with other dogs and might view smaller animals as prey. American pit bull terriers generally have a friendly and affectionate personality. They also usually have a very playful temperament and love to engage in games and dog sports with their humans. They also tend to take well to training. American pit bull terriers need sufficient physical activity every day to help prevent problem behaviors from developing. Proper training and socialization also are a must to make your dog a good breed ambassador, as the breed is often wrongfully stereotyped as having poor manners and being unruly. Fortunately, grooming is a fairly easy task for this breed.
