1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. Torchwood

Ianto Jones tipo di personalità MBTI

Ianto Jones tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Ianto Jones? Ianto Jones è un tipo di personalità ISFJ in mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - in enneagram, RCOAI in big 5, in socionics."

I think he's a total 9. Frequently with certain characters I go, "What on earth is wrong with them? Why are they so shut off and dissociated, but also occasionally prone to intense bursts of emotionalism and hysteria? Oh, wait. They're a 9." I did this with Ianto. 6s are more prone towards frequent little displays of emotionalism, with occasional big bursts. 9s stay calm and collected - or, aloof and distant - until something sets them off and then it's one single nuclear explosion, and then it takes a while for it to happen again. Ianto stays stoic to a fault, that seems to be his way of coping, which is very much not 6-like, especially out of an ISFJ. I've seen ISFJ 6s who like to think they're stoic (John Watson comes to mind), but it doesn't keep. The smallest things get them yelling. Ianto doesn't do this. He's snarky at times, which is 6ish, but it doesn't feel like he's venting on his own behalf or expressing genuine annoyance when he does. It's more deadpan, and an attempt at levity, which is something I associate with 9s. And when Ianto does actually break down, it's full on scream-sobbing. And then he's only a wreck for a few moments after. Next we see him, he's shut himself down again. His devotion to Lisa and entangling with Jack immediately after she's gone feel super duper sx-9 to me. I don't think Ianto's interest in relationships is anything to do with security, I think it's got everything to do with identity and the need to find fulfilment and a sense of self through someone else. Jack doesn't offer him security, if anything he endangers him - Jack instead offers Ianto something to revolve around. And an extension of that is Torchwood, where we see his social 9 really kick in. It seems like romantic relationships come first in Ianto's world, but his work is the second most important thing to him, and he really steps into a social 9's role there. He's the support. He's the helping hand. And nobody even notices how much he does. It's debated if he's a 7 or a 9, but with social 9s I always think of that episode of Bojack Horseman with Todd, where he does a hundred little things to help everyone out and simply make their day easier, and then he gets scolded for not doing anything because nobody even noticed all his little acts; because 9s blend into the background and are happier that way. That's Ianto. He keeps Torchwood running, and yet he's still just the tea-boy. Really good example of an sx-so 9, I think.

