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Sasara Nurude tipo di personalità MBTI

Sasara Nurude tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Sasara Nurude? Sasara Nurude è un tipo di personalità ENTP in mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - 728 in enneagram, in big 5, LIE in socionics."

can I find out why Sasara E is in big 5 ? I just personally think he 's A .He reminds me of a high level of complaisance and agreeableness , because he is friendly, friendly, tactful, optimistic about people and get along well with others. If you do it according to the pleasantness of Sasara, personally it seems so to me: Trust : 4/5 high Morality : 2,5/5 middle Altruism: 3/5 middle Cooperation: 4/5 high Modesty : 2/5 low Sympathy: 4/5 high and that comes out A by big5. If I'm wrong somewhere, I want to understand.


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