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Action-Adventure tipo di personalità MBTI

Action-Adventure tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Action-Adventure? Action-Adventure è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - in enneagram, SCOEI in big 5, SLE in socionics."

I like using Ti and Se in Action games like Dark Souls


A subgenre of both the Action Game and Adventure Game genres, the Action-Adventure game was effectively created by such titles as The Legend of Zelda and Metroid back in the days of the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. These two titles are recognised as archetypical of the genre, and since then, the Action Adventure has expanded to include games in a wide variety of thematic genres, since the jump to 3D, as well as appearing on every video game platform around. The essential traits of an action adventure are considered to include reflex-based gameplay, an action game element, combined with item collecting, environment exploration and puzzle solving, which are associated with the adventure game genre. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the Action Adventure is sometimes used as a catch all for games that do not overtly suit any one genre but still have a plot, a usage which some consider erroneous. The action adventure is exemplified in games that have large and detailed worlds to explore, a range of options in terms of possible actions and some level of non-linearity in terms of plot, but this last aspect is often sacrificed, in whole or in part, on the altar of budgets and/or writers. This lack of large-scale non-linearity is what differentiates the Action-Adventure game from a Wide-Open Sandbox, though there are other minor, but important, differences. This level of non-linearity is a characteristic the action adventure shares with the RPG, though it usually doesn't have experience points or levels — character improvments, if any, are only ever the result of gaining new items or upgrading old ones. The key here is that in an action adventure a character either has an ability or they don't; there is no measure of how good they are with a given ability (which is considered an RPG element).
