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  2. Supereroi
  3. X-Men Cinematic Universe (2000-2009)

Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” tipo di personalità MBTI

Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler”? Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” è un tipo di personalità INFP in mbti, 4w5 - so/sp - 469 in enneagram, RCUAN in big 5, IEI in socionics."


Nightcrawler (born Kurt Wagner) is a mutant with the ability to teleport. He is a member of the X-Men. Nightcrawler is a devout Catholic and a very friendly character. Generally polite and cheeky, he is very protective of his friends and does whatever he can to help them, teleporting them to safety, helping infiltrate the Weapon X facility or even snoop on the adults on Rogue's behalf. Nightcrawler's friendliness and eagerness to interact with others sometimes leads to him being dismissed when trying to introduce himself, notable when Wolverine, Storm, Beast and Mystique generally dismiss him. He also is poetic and wise in a sense when he explains to Storm how faith is a better source of strength than fear or anger, he even pities the humans who hate mutants as he believes they are unfortunate not to understand what they see with their eyes. Due to his forgiving and friendly nature, not many characters dislike or hate him, except for Angel.

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