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Yoshiyuki Taira tipo di personalità MBTI

Yoshiyuki Taira tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Yoshiyuki Taira? Yoshiyuki Taira è un tipo di personalità INTP in mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - in enneagram, RCOAN in big 5, LSI in socionics."

If you read the manga it’s pretty obvious he’s an INTP, not sure why people are saying he’s an ISTP.


The best bass player ever Hahah, Taira usually comes off as a very serious, uncaring, and cold person, but in reality, he is kinder and more caring than many of the other band members. As the series progresses, Taira's sense of humor and big brother-like qualities become more apparent.
