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  2. Internet
  3. Virtual Youtubers

Veibae tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Veibae? Veibae è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 9w8 - sx/sp - 947 in enneagram, RCOEN in big 5, SLI in socionics."

I haven't watched very much of her, but based on what I've seen I'm torn between ISTP and ESTP. She seems like a definite XSTP based on both stereotypes and functions. In a League of Legends stream (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4iYqR7_to8) from her she revealed a lot about herself and discussed how she was suffering from depression and didn't think very highly of herself. She stated that she often times would put on a persona of sorts that came across to some as "being fake" when she streams. She said that she understood that her viewers came to her channel to relieve some stress of their own and were likely depressed too and didn't really want to hear about someone else's problems. Being able to empathize with others on this level indicates Fe. Due to this, she acts happier than she really is for everyone else's enjoyment. This to me also indicates pretty strong Fe, which stands against both ISTJ and ISTP. However, she also revealed that sometimes this didn't work out very well and she struggled to hide her thoughts. This sometimes leads to brutal honesty and hurtful comments targeted at her chat, which to me indicates tert. Fe, which in turn indicates ESTP over ISTP. In this stream she also mentioned that she wasn't interested in getting into a sexual relationship with anyone as it didn't forward her goals, or at least would distract her from her future, which (for now) indicates Te. In her words, she saw relationships as unnecessary and she "didn't need a man." However, in a more recent stream she stated that she regretted what she was spending her life on. She complained about how she wasn't using her youth and prime age to get laid and instead spent her life gaming on Twitch. This sudden transition in a relatively short period of time indicates ISTP over ISTJ, as it is reminiscent of the rapidly changing value system in ISTPs. An ISTJ would stick with one value system and firmly believe in it at least for a very long time if not their entire life. This transition also means this example no longer indicates Te. I don't think Fi is at all plausible in Veibae and likely isn't even on the level of an inferior function, meaning it likely isn't in her function stack at all. I have never seen an example of Fi in Veibae that couldn't be explained by another function. Fe seems stronger than Fi, and while Veibae is cold at times, she isn't as cold as an ISTP generally would be. This therefore leaves ESTP as a probable type for her, unless Veibae is an ISTP and just has a well developed Fe. Dominant Ti doesn't make sense in Veibae, either. Her methods of troubleshooting are not at all on the level of what you'd seen in your average ISTP, but seem likely for an ESTP. She often gets stumped very easily and seems to resort to her Ni when she's faced with any technical difficulties, but due to her Ni being her inferior function it also doesn't help much. Instead, it leads her to use her Ti once again, and then she finally resolves whatever problem she was facing. This constant transition between Ti and Ni could be used as an example supporting ISTP, but due to how weak both the functions are in her I think this indicates ESTP instead. For Ni, I don't see Veibae ever connecting various past experiences (weak Si too) and discovering patterns much at all, while an ISTP would be doing this. Instead, this seems to be exactly her weakness. She lives in the moment even more than an ISTP does, from what I see. This all indicates ESTP > ISTP > ISTJ. As for her Se, I think it could pretty easily be either her dominant function or her auxiliary function, honestly. But I think it's most definitely stronger than her Si. As mentioned earlier, she seems to rely on personal wants in the moment and doesn't focus much on her experiences in the past. This leads to the aforementioned rapidly changing value system. Veibae is much more interested in what "feels good" to her than an ISTP is. This is hinted at by her constant talk of sex and sometimes drugs and alcohol, stating that she was only willing to play AI Dungeon if she had at least one of the two available and at her disposal. This indicates ESTP very strongly and high Se. On top of all this, Veibae is often times poking fun at her chat as an EXTP would generally do. She does seem to care to a certain extent what is considered kind and what is considered unkind according to the general consensus and understands when she has gone too far and apologizes. An ISTP wouldn't care much about social rules like these, while an ESTP would. ESTP > ISTP once again. Stereotypically, an ESTP is going to be much more perverted than an ISTP, and Veibae seems to identify much more with the former rather than the latter from what I've seen. ESTP > ISTP. In conclusion, ISTJ seems extraordinary improbable while XSTP is highly likely, with ESTP being more likely than ISTP from what I've seen.

