1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. Rome

Atia of the Julii tipo di personalità MBTI

Atia of the Julii tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Atia of the Julii? Atia of the Julii è un tipo di personalità ESFP in mbti, 3w4 - sx/so - 378 in enneagram, SLUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

Atia is in socionics, a member of the Gamma Quadrant. I firmly believe she is an ESFP, and is not likely to be any other type. Her questionable and whimsical choices (Se) are decided by values (Fi), and she revels in disharmony and drama, caring little for social harmony, which would denote an Fi user. Fi users rarely go out of their way to diffuse emotional/social tensions. She is wildly in love with Mark Antony, and is devoted to Caesar... but only if it suits her (Te). Atia does questionable things depending on whims and whether the moment feels right, and she is clumsy at planning far ahead (inferior Ni), though she has her moments. Atia picks on whoever is unpopular at the moment (tertiary Te), and schemes to humiliate those who've crossed her, or, sometimes, she just does it because she wants to. She cares a lot for her physical appearance beyond just wanting to impress others, and she has a notably good sense of fashion and awareness of current trends (Se-Fi). There is no sign of Si use, and indeed, no sign of dominant Fe, either. One could say she is simply an 'unhealthy' ESFJ, but I don't believe that's the case. I believe she's a perfectly healthy ESFP, but people don't usually expect ESFP's to be able to hold their own in courtly schemes, but I assure you, they have the function stack to do it. While being an ESFP does not mean one is necessarily a bad parent, Rome during this time was cutthroat and merciless, and Atia doesn't have time to coddle her children, to whom she doesn't seem to have too much of an attachment to, besides what suits her for the present. Only someone with low Fe or Fi in their stack would be able to get away with some of the cruel schemes Atia has, especially regarding Servilia without feeling any empathy whatsoever. An ESFJ would eventually crack and feel bad for their actions, but someone belonging to the Gamma Quadrant (ESFP,ISFP, INTJ, ENTJ) like Atia does, would scarcely be bothered by actions taken out of necessity.


Caesar's niece and mother to Octavian and Octavia, plus a long-time lover of Mark Antony. Atia is an extremely ambitious and evil matriarch supreme that stops almost at nothing to get what she wants. She's the real power force in the Julian household... at least until Octavian grows old enough to overrule her. Played by Polly Walker.
