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  2. Videogiochi
  3. Skullgirls

Eliza tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Eliza? Eliza è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 3w4 - sx/so - in enneagram, SCOEI in big 5, in socionics."

I still cant decide whether or not shes an ENTJ or ESTJ - definitely a Te dom - Fi inferior, Te-Se could be explained by her random fights with the other characters and her change of plans when she realized went after the Skullheart after catching Ms Fortune Ni- her whole vision of how the hierarchy of the world is supposed to be and accomplishing it with main Te / keeping squigly's body for when the Skullheart returns Tertiary Se could be defined as her over indulgences and luxurious lifestyle


Eliza is the celebrity diva of New Meridian’s premiere nightclub, Bastet’s Den. Unbeknownst to the club’s patrons, however, she’s also been host to the skeletal Parasite Sekhmet for untold years. Widely known for her blood drive charities, in reality these serve to feed Sekhmet and maintain Eliza’s ageless beauty. Recently discovered and blackmailed by the Medici into pursuing the Skull Heart, Eliza’s ancient ambitions stir once more…
