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Angelica tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Angelica? Angelica è un tipo di personalità INTP in mbti, 5w4 - sx/so - 548 in enneagram, RCUEI in big 5, ILE in socionics."

Watch this vid https://youtu.be/2Fjs9YabrNI I don’t even have to explain the Ne lol, I think Ti comes from her profound analyze in her characters, I also think she is the type of person who indulges watching other people’s mannerisms and so in public spaces, But indeed could be Ne dom, her Fe is so well developed to be inf, probably due to personality growth………….. https://youtu.be/2Fjs9YabrNI (“again!”, i know, notice at 7:24 the Se getting a little out of hands….. or shall I say a little too much HaND, lol, a Polr trait perhaps????…… enough, Ne is quite evident yet I remain skeptical. Update: forget my latter comment, https://youtu.be/lPxVqkmlo8A folks the Ti-Ne is too much it hurts


Angelica is a Youtuber of Puerto Rican and Colombian descent known for her tongue-in-cheek, historical roleplays on her ASMR channel. She is also a self published Author having released her first novel The Light was Good in May 2020.
