Yoon Ji-hoo tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Yoon Ji-hoo? Yoon Ji-hoo è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 4w5 - so/sp - 496 in enneagram, RCOAI in big 5, EII in socionics."

*Partially serious >> it's just me if I were a kdrama character! 😉🤷‍♀️* Don't worry! That's not why I'm voting him 9 lol. Haven't seen this in a while (was planning to watch it soon, actually) but @ [BloojAgua] made some good points below on why 9>4 makes a little more sense. He probably has a 4 fix, but the merging with significant others and taking on their interests (like with Jandi) seems like a very 9ish tendency. 4s almost attempt to anti-merge with others for fear of being of having no identity or significance. Also, from what I remember, he didn't seem interested in cultivating an identity off of feelings like envy, inferiority, or his trauma. More like he seemed somewhat detached/numb from his emotional states (his character was similar in the anime too)? Though he had a creative outlet through playing music lol (whether it's for creative expression or a comforting outlet might give you a better idea about the core/fix). He also seemed to be sad about being seperated from his first love interest, Min-Seo-hyun when she went to Paris. Seems more in alignment with the 9's core fear of loss/seperation imo. Correct me if I'm wrong though, haven't seen this in a while.


The nicest member of the F4, based on Hanazawa Rui. He is the grandson of Korea's former president.

Televisione caratteri simili a Yoon Ji-hoo
